Doom 3: Doom 3 takes decent advantage of SLI where we see a difference between 21% to 39% over the single GT and an 18% to 36% difference over the single ultra with the bigger differences at higher resolution and image quality. The x850XT doesnt do that well in Doom 3 as is widely known.
Far Cry: The first demo shows a difference between 7 and 36% over the single GT while a difference of 18% to 39% exists in the second demo. Compared to the x850XT card, the SLI GT setup shows a difference of 2 to 25% in the first demo and 3% to 22% in the second demo- nothing great but not too bad either.
Half Life 2: This is out and out an ATI game which is why we see the x850 being the dominant card in half of the tests. Compared to the SLI setup, its anywhere between 17% slower to 7% faster in the first demo and 11% slower to 9% faster in the second demo. Bsically, SLI starts losing its steam in Half Life 2 when compared to the ATI x850. Compared to a single GT card, the SLI setup shows improvements between 8% to 37% in the first demo and 18% to 38% in the second demo.
UT 2004: This is one of those games that shows that SLI doesnt always work and we see the single cards performing better than the SLI setup which simply points out that SLI still needs improvement. One more problem we see is nVidia cards taking a HUGE hit once AA/AF is enabled. We tested a couple of different 7x series drivers and all f them showed the same problem.
Price Performance: The ASUS card currently retails for $489 at newegg and multipling that by two for an SLI setup gives a figure with which you can easily buy an entire PC with reaosnable performance. We think that playing with the 6800 series in an SLI mode is only for the rich kid's at the moment. As prices come down and more games take better advantage, only then will we be able to recommed an SLI setup.