Weather Menu
There are only two subsections here:
Nine cities the weather report will be displayed for are selected in the first subsection:
In the second subsection the temperature format is specified:
The settings call for your attention only once ?when you are tuning the system up to your own taste. And you will hardly ever need to return to this menu afterwards.
Now that everything has been set up, we can get to the main menu. It is very easy to use, by the way:
First you should tell iMEDIAN where media content is to be looked for. This is done by clicking the Scan Media item:
For each type of multimedia content you indicate folders that are to be scanned for files and file updates.
All you need to do is just check the necessary folders for iMEDIAN to search in. If you add new files into these folders, they are usually automatically added into the database. If this hasn?t happened for some reason, click Rescan:
After the scan settings have been made, you can go over to the other menu items. There are three sub-items under the Local Media item.
And they have almost the same content, by the way.