Gigabyte Odin Pro GE-M550A-D1 (550W)
While the previous model belonged to the low-end market sector, the Odin Pro is quite another level notwithstanding the same number on the box.
Like the Superb 550, this PSU is not made by Gigabyte itself. The actual manufacturer of it is Channel Well (CWT).
The PSU is shipped in a colorful black-and-green box. There is no reference to peak performance on it – the Odin Pro is indeed rated for an output power of 550W.
The PSU has got a matte black case that is somewhat longer than the standard ATX model in order to accommodate the large 14cm fan. It may seem that the case has vent grids not only in the external but also in the side panel, but the latter is actually sealed with translucent plastic film on the inside. The perforation of the side panel is merely a decorative element.
The PSU has high component density and large well-ribbed heatsinks. Note the four LEDs fastened on the ribs: this is the highlighting of the fan.
This photo shows that the perforation of the side panel is covered with plastic film. You can see it reflect the anodized aluminum of the heatsinks and the white-blue sticker “Japan made capacitor”.
The PSU uses a 140x140x25mm fan (Yate Loon D14BM-12).
The label says the PSU is indeed rated for 550W, and it can yield 492W across its +12V rail which is split into four virtual output lines. The purpose of each line is indicated in the small table in the bottom left.