Hitachi drops prices on current microdrives and announces 8-10GB units that will be available in 2H 2005.PCWorld is running a piece about Hitachi dropping the prices of their microdrives which coincidentally falls on the day just after an Apple announcement of price cuts and higher capacities on the iPod Mini lineup.?
The new drive will cost $299, which is a 40 percent reduction from the $499 price at which Hitachi has introduced new Microdrive products in the past, says Bill Healy, senior vice president of product strategy and marketing at Hitachi. The company is also lowering the price of its 4GB Microdrive to $199
Hitachi announced plans to have an even higher capacity Microdrive out in the second half of this year. That drive will offer a capacity of between 8GB and 10GB
No doubt that Apple probably gets a lot better pricing than what is generally available to the consumer but it is pretty amazing that they are able to put out a microdrive product that is the same cost as a MSRP microdrive itself.?Those who are teetering on the verge of going for a 6B iPod Mini but still have qualms about the size may want to hold out?as there?is little doubt that there will be a Mini based on the?larger sizes.??? Article Link: Hitachi to Increase microdrive capacity in 2H 2005