Full range of products with varying response times to be availableIt looks like my criticisms of LCDs and their sluggish response rates may be put to rest as early as nexrt quarter?as BenQ and Viewsonic are looking to launch their 4ms LCDs next quarter -
In addition, BenQ showed a full line-up of LCD monitors with response times including 4, 5, 6 and 8ms. The company said it will launch LCD monitors with 4ms response times next quarter.
We'll be taking a look at a purpoted 8ms LCD in the coming weeks. It is pretty amazing that just a year ago, the high end was the 12ms Samsung 172x. Now that the response time issue should be more or less dead, how about more 1600x1200 and high res 16:9 displays?Article Link: 4ms LCDs Next Quarter