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Google Beefing up Search Appliance

Date: 2005-4-9

   Doubled search volume at the nearly half the cost with Google's MiniThe pricing for some enterprise level software licensing schemes are pretty ridiculous and prices generally seem to only cree...

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Doubled search volume at the nearly half the cost with Google's Mini

The pricing for some enterprise level software licensing schemes are pretty ridiculous and prices generally seem to only creep up.?In a surprising and welcome change of pace however, Google has doubled the search capacity for their entry level search appliance and the cost is down to a cool $3000 from a previous $5000.

The Google Mini now will be able to search as many as 100,000 documents at a company, up from 50,000 under the previous licensing, at a cost of $2,995, down from $4,995 under the previous licensing. Those prices include one year of support. The price for the second year of support drops from $2,500 to $995.


Officials said the scale of Google's growing business, for both enterprise search and Web search, enabled the company to pass on cost savings to enterprise customers.

There is also a mention of a enterprise version of Google's Desktop search. I wonder what adoption rates for that will be like after the fear mongering and privacy/security concerns that were raised initially after the release.

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