LCD panels have gained popularity for a number of years now, by contrast, CRT displays have begun to disappear from the consumers?desks. Nowadays LCD displays offer acceptable levels of quality, but require less power and desk space. Today manufacturers of monitors are looking forward different technologies to make LCDs even better. One of such technologies is Organic Light Emitting Display (OLED) which has its pros and cons, but eventually may become the replacement for current liquid crystal displays.
?For conventional displays, OLED will offer a better, clearer picture and lower power consumption. OLED technology will spread far; it will make new displays into previously undeveloped markets. We will see the emergence of transparent and flexible displays. Transparent displays may finally bring out a useful wearable PC. They should look a lot like the ones that appear in movies. They should be as transparent as glass or plastic. Flexible displays will also come out in the future. These will be mostly used in mobile devices because they offer a smaller size and are more durable. There will be a few other applications for this flexible display that will use the flexibility of the display,?writes DevHarware.
The author still does not encourage anyone to buy OLED enhanced displays right away.
?OLEDs are not without their problems. There aren't a lot, but the lifetime is something to consider. The red and green organic materials are fine; they last roughly 20,000 hours and newer material will last 25 000 hours or more. The problem is the blue organic material. It doesn't last nearly as long. Buying an OLED now will result in your buying another one real soon. Research is being done on the blue OLED, and progress is coming slowly but surely. The question is how long we will have to wait for the blue material to catch up,?concludes the author.
- DevHardware: OLED: The Next Thing in Monitors.