Another great example of how far contemporary computer technologies might go was demonstrated by the main characters of well-known MTV series called “Pimp My Ride?
Ultimate mobile platform :)
It used to be a 4-door Chrysler 300. Now it is a 2-door convertible with fat rims, new brakes, cameras instead of mirrors, screens all over the place, and a Centrino laptop to manage your comfort and control all the electronics inside. And among the “comforts?I can list all sorts of entertainment solutions such as CD, MP3, DVD playback and burning, an additional PDA that acts like full-functional remote control for the car, built in web-cam, which allows you to see what’s going on inside the car once you’ve had it given to the valet parking. But there are some ongoing plans about improving this car even more, such as providing nit with wireless connection., so that it could wirelessly communicate with you at all times. Well, I think the next version of this baby will have a jacuzzi in the trunk.
There are other ways to enhance the mobility in the new platforms. Wimax is going to be the crucial technology to change our wireless communication. Wimax offers high speed wireless solutions at low cost. Intel expects a massive commercial rollout of this technology in the end of 2005 ?beginning of 2006. This is when the biggest cities around the globe will go digital.
Besides that, Intel pays a lot of attention to educational capability, which they regard as the most important thing to all of us. Therefore, they participate actively in multiple educational programs to encourage innovative and creative thinking at an early age, when the future scientists and engineers are just starting to shape up. This way they are hosting the finals for the state science talent search in Washington DC, which is a kind of Nobel Prize for high school kids. Those projects as well as excellence in education will make the country competitive.
Next is governmental aspect. Intel is trying to encourage support of basic RND in universities, which should create the proper environment for new initiatives.
Such as the initiative supported and brought into life by Burt Rutan, who is running his own aircraft company.
This guy undertook 68-hour flight around the world without refueling. Right now he and his team are working on making the space flights possible for all of us, and in the first place they are certainly addressing safety issues for flights out and in the atmosphere. They claim that we are looking at 4-5 years before this initiative goes commercial. In 5-6 years it will cost around $30K-$40K to get to see the Earth from space. And they are certainly going to actively integrate new technology into their projects, which will eliminate the mere possibility of a boring approach to that. Hm, I wonder if these space-planes are going to be Centrino-powered, like the Chrysler I have just told you about... ;)
Well, I have to admit that this was a very interesting and exciting keynote. At least I did have a lot of fun this time :) But let’s continue with the latest news from IDF. Let me go a little bit more technical now, as I am going to tell you about the latest news from the memory market.